Jay-Z and Russell Simmons Occupy All Streets Tee!

Global Grind has an amazing article on media, celebrities and how a movement can be publicized in a snap of a photo. Specifically, Jay-Z, Kanye West, Occupy Wall Street and how celebrities help shape the culture and influence the rest of the world.

"The corporate-controlled media is so thirsty for the blood of the celebrities that they try to find silly and frivolous things to separate great messengers from the people." - Mike Skolnik

There are great messengers in some celebrities, and some messages could be otherwise lost or forgotten.

So I ask that before the media ignites you to question the credibility of a messenger, remember not to shoot the messenger but pay attention to the message being sent. At least research it, and figure out your own stance.

For more on the Occupy All Streets article, click the link below.

Article link: http://globalgrind.com/news/jay-z-russell-simmons-rocawear-t-shirt-occupy-all-streets-wall-street-photos-michael-skolnik


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