Handbags Under $50!!

I am really a handbag kind of girl and I am into high end luxury brands like, Gucci, Fendi, Louis Vuitton, Marc Jacobs and the like. But today, I decided to locate some purses that are equally as cute but for way less dinero. So, view my round up below and feel free to buy any of the ones that you see. Email me Via Gmail at Notable Styles & More, if you need assistance.

Large Stud Hobo
Price - $29.50

Large Scoop Quilted Hobo
Price - $40.79

Double Handle Hobo
Price - $60

Buckle Side Leatherette Hobo
Price - $29.80

Vanalstine Hobo
Price - $23.98

Embellished Hobo Bag
Price - $48

Women's Ruffled Faux Leather Hobo
Price - $29.50

Python Hobo
Price - $47.40


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